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Sussex Branch Honours – Complete History

YearHonourFirst NameSurname
1958Certificate of ThanksFrank EDeadman
1958Recognition BadgeH LBrown
1961Certificate of ThanksA GWest
1961Certificate of ThanksRWilkins
1962Recognition BadgeFrank EDeadman
1967Recognition BadgeMrs FPenfold
1969Certificate of ThanksMiss SPage
1969Certificate of ThanksLPenfold
1973Presidents CommendationMrs PearlColvin
1973Recognition BadgeMrMoore
1973Bar to Recognition BadgeFrank EDeadman
1974Presidents CommendationColinBurden
1975Presidents CommendationFrankWhite
1976Recognition BadgeA GWest
1977Presidents CommendationMrs PearlColvin
1977Certificate of ThanksMrs GillKnight
1977Certificate of ThanksBarryRichardson
1977Recognition BadgeFrankWhite
1978Presidents CommendationELovick
1978Presidents CommendationR GGiles
1978Presidents CommendationW CWimpey
1978Certificate of ThanksGMonery
1978Certificate of ThanksIanCockram
1978Certificate of ThanksMrs SuePotton
1978Service CrossRobertDiprose
1979Presidents CommendationMiss CThomas
1979Presidents CommendationD ACooke
1979Presidents CommendationReg WBlackwell
1979Certificate of ThanksDougSimmonds
1979Bar to Recognition BadgeDr ColinJones
1979Presidents CommendationDiHutchinson
1979Presidents CommendationRoyAitken
1979Presidents CommendationWallyUsherwood
1979Certificate of ThanksGaryLee
1979Certificate of ThanksGwenWhite
1979RLSS Sx Branch Diprose Award (1st year)Mrs GillKnight
1981Presidents CommendationMrs FGoodger
1981Certificate of ThanksABurrows
1981RLSS Sx Branch Diprose AwardGaryLee
1983Presidents CommendationBarryColbran
1983Presidents CommendationMrs AColbran
1983Presidents CommendationMrs PDonald
1983Presidents CommendationIDonald
1983Certificate of ThanksDHolness
1983Certificate of ThanksMrs LindaRees
1983Bar to Recognition BadgeFrankWhite
1983Service CrossFrankDeadman
1983RLSS Sx Branch Diprose AwardGeoffTaylor
1984Presidents CommendationColinClapham
1984Presidents CommendationJohnMaginnis
1984Presidents CommendationMrs JudyParker
1984Certificate of ThanksDiHutchinson
1984Certificate of ThanksRoyAitken
1984RLSS Sx Branch Diprose AwardRichardCalvert
1985Presidents CommendationMrs FredaBrooke
1985Presidents CommendationMiss PamGrasty
1985Presidents CommendationPhilHutchinson
1985Presidents CommendationJohnStainer
1985Presidents CommendationMartinTempleman
1985Recognition BadgeSydMartin
1985RLSS Sx Branch Diprose AwardSueTempleman
1986Presidents CommendationPCrouch
1986Presidents CommendationHughParker
1986Presidents CommendationMrs KRaven
1986Presidents CommendationRonWard
1986Certificate of ThanksMrs DHitchcock
1986Certificate of ThanksMrs SuePotton
1987Presidents CommendationTerryFitzgerald
1987Presidents CommendationAlanRees
1987Presidents CommendationGeoffTaylor
1987Presidents CommendationRonWard
1988Presidents CommendationRichardCalvert
1988Presidents CommendationMiss PamGrasty
1988Presidents CommendationMrs LMurray
1989Presidents CommendationJohnBlackwell
1989Presidents CommendationRayBlain
1989Presidents CommendationGaryLee
1989Presidents CommendationMiss BettyHakesley
1989Presidents CommendationS.Pearce
1989Presidents CommendationMiss M VThomas
1989Certificate of ThanksRegBlackwell
1989Certificate of ThanksJohnMaginnis
1989Certificate of ThanksMrs JeanMulgrew
1990Presidents CommendationMrs FrancesGarrard
1990Presidents CommendationTonyGray
1990Presidents CommendationVicLambarth
1990Presidents CommendationGeorgePopplewell
1990Presidents CommendationRobRichardson
1990Presidents CommendationTrudieSewell
1990Certificate of ThanksMrs GillKnight
1990Certificate of ThanksJohnStainer
1990Recognition BadgeDiHutchinson
1990Recognition BadgeMrs LindaRees
1990Bar to Recognition BadgeSydMartin
1990Service CrossPatAsh
1991Presidents CommendationD ACooke
1991Presidents CommendationS RBleach
1991Presidents CommendationDr AndrewLloyd
1991Presidents CommendationGillAshby
1991Presidents CommendationRichardBillington
1991Presidents CommendationJohnHeath
1991Presidents CommendationRichardBanks
1991Presidents CommendationPeggyEntwistle
1991Certificate of ThanksJohnMaginnis
1991Certificate of ThanksFredaBrooke
1991Certificate of ThanksTerryFitzgerald
1991Certificate of ThanksAlanRees
1992Presidents CommendationRFunnel
1992Presidents CommendationHildaBillington
1992Presidents CommendationPeterWood
1992Presidents CommendationSueTempleman
1992Presidents CommendationBridgetteVine
1992Presidents CommendationPeggyCrossman
1992Presidents CommendationBillGowler
1992Presidents CommendationBryanWatts
1992Certificate of ThanksGaryLee
1992Certificate of ThanksMiss PamGrasty
1992Certificate of ThanksMiss BettyHakesley
1992Certificate of ThanksGeoffTaylor
1993Presidents CommendationKeithDoble
1993Presidents CommendationDavidFairchild
1993Presidents CommendationMrs NancyKnill
1993Presidents CommendationWayneDix
1993Presidents CommendationMrs LesleyFeest
1993Presidents CommendationDerekBoorman
1993Certificate of ThanksPhilHutchinson
1993Certificate of ThanksTonyGray
1993Certificate of ThanksJohnBlackwell
1993Friends of the Society CertificateMrs BarbaraWatson
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)Miss M VThomas
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)BettyColquhoun
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)FrancesGarrard
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)JeanMulgrew
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)AnnHinchliffe
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)BettyRose
1994Certificate of Thanks (Service)HilaryClough
1994Service Medal (Service)DougSimmonds
1994Service Medal (Service)PamGrasty
1994Service Medal (Service)RegBlackwell
1994Service Medal (Service)RichardCalvert
1994Bar to Service Cross (Service)GeorgeCarpenter
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)PhilHutchinson
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)BarbaraElliott
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)PamOlder
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)GeoffTaylor
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardBillington
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)BettyHakesley
1994Certificate of Merit (Merit)BryanWatts
1994Medal of Distinction (Merit)JohnStainer
1994Medal of Distinction (Merit)DiCooke
1994Friends of the Society CertificateMissW.Lewis
1995Certificate of Thanks (Service)PeterBurgoyne
1995Certificate of Thanks (Service)Mrs HeatherHerridge
1995Certificate of Thanks (Service)NigelDivers
1995Certificate of Thanks (Service)PercyPrice
1995Service Medal (Service)RichardBillington
1995Service Medal (Service)RayBlaine
1995Bar to Service Cross (Service)DiCooke
1995Bar to Service Cross (Service)RoyBleach
1995Certificate of Merit (Merit)SuzanneMartindale
1995Certificate of Merit (Merit)SandraBaker
1995Certificate of Merit (Merit)WayneDix
1995Friends of the Society CertificateRaySproats
1996Certificate of Thanks (Service)LesleyFeest
1996Certificate of Thanks (Service)SimonMacDonald-Mewton
1996Certificate of Thanks (Service)JohnMartin
1996Certificate of Thanks (Service)DiSeymour
1996Service Medal (Service)BettyColquhoun
1996Service Medal (Service)FrancesGarrard
1996Service Medal (Service)JeanMulgrew
1996Service Medal (Service)GeorgePopplewell
1996Service Medal (Service)GeoffTaylor
1996Bar to Service Cross (Service)RegBlackwell
1996Bar to Service Cross (Service)RichardCalvert
1996Service Cross (Service)PhilHutchinson
1996Service Cross (Service)JohnMaginnis
1996Service Cross (Service)SydMartin
1996Service Cross (Service)BryanWatts
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)JulieBaker
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)TerryFitzgerald
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)FaithLee
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)AlanLevecque
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)JohnWiles
1996Certificate of Merit (Merit)PeterWood
1996Medal of Distinction (Merit)GillianAshby
1996Friends of the Society CertificateChristianNoakes
1997Certificate of Thanks (Service)BrianHall
1997Certificate of Thanks (Service)SuzanneMartindale
1997Certificate of Thanks (Service)JeanPaterson
1997Certificate of Thanks (Service)SallyWebb
1997Certificate of Thanks (Service)DavidWorsley
1997Service Medal (Service)RobertRichardson
1997Bar to Service Medal(Service)JohnStainer
1997Bar to Service Cross (Service)FredaBrooke
1997Service Cross (Service)BettyHakesley
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)GeorgeCarpenter
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)FrancesGarrard
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)HeatherHerridge
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)ColinMoon
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)StellaNunn
1997Certificate of Merit (Merit)DougSimmonds
1997Hon UK Life Member (Service)PamGrasty
1997Friends of the Society CertificateMrs RoseDoble
1997Friends of the Society CertificateMr MartinSmith
1997Friends of the Society CertificateMr DavidGarrard
1997Friends of the Society CertificateMrs SueSinclair
1997Friends of the Society CertificateMr RonaldDuncome
1998Certificate of Thanks (Service)BrianHall
1998Certificate of Thanks (Service)Miss WendyBillingshurst
1998Certificate of Thanks (Service)Mrs SarahBotting
1998Certificate of Thanks (Service)Mr JonathanEtherington
1998Service Medal (Service)Mrs NanKnill
1998Bar to Service Medal(Service)RichardBillington
1998Bar to Service Medal(Service)GaryLee
1998Bar to Service Medal(Service)GeoffreyTaylor
1998Bar to Service Cross (Service)DiCooke
1998Bar to Service Cross (Service)GeoffreyTaylor
1998Service Cross (Service)KeithDoble
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)MargaretCooper
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)RuthHeyes
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)MargaretRoberts
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)BettyRose
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)SusanCrouch
1998Certificate of Merit (Merit)AllanRees
1998Hon UK Life Member (Service)BettyColquhoun
1998Hon UK Life Member (Service)FrankDeadman
1998Friends of the Society CertificateDarrenWindley
1998Friends of the Society CertificateTomHallett
1998Friends of the Society CertificatePeterSinclair
1999Certificate of Thanks (Service)DeanBaker
1999Certificate of Thanks (Service)AnnLeatham
1999Certificate of Thanks (Service)PamMantell
1999Certificate of Thanks (Service)PaulOlliver
1999Service Medal (Service)PeggyCrossman
1999Service Medal (Service)TerryFitzgerald
1999Service Medal (Service)TonyGray
1999Service Medal (Service)GaryLee
1999Service Medal (Service)FrankPatterson
1999Service Medal (Service)JohnStainer
1999Service Medal (Service)PeterWood
1999Bar to Service Cross (Service)BettyRose
1999Bar to Service Cross (Service)DouglasSimmonds
1999Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardBanks
1999Certificate of Merit (Merit)JonathanBorley
1999Certificate of Merit (Merit)SimonCrute
1999Certificate of Merit (Merit)CynthiaDevile
1999Certificate of Merit (Merit)LesleyPalmer
1999Friends of the Society CertificatePeterGrimley
1999Friends of the Society CertificateJohnExtence
1999Friends of the Society CertificateTonyMiller
1999Friends of the Society CertificateBernardBateman
1999Friends of the Society CertificateKateHatcher
2000Certificate of Thanks (Service)NigelDivers
2000Certificate of Thanks (Service)SueHowley
2000Certificate of Thanks (Service)StefanStukenberg
2000Certificate of Thanks (Service)ClaireWiltshire
2000Service Medal (Service)RichardBanks
2000Service Medal (Service)FaithLee
2000Service Medal (Service)PercyPrice
2000Service Cross (Service)MarkCox
2000Service Cross (Service)BrianHall
2000Service Cross (Service)JohnWalker
2000Hon UK Life Member (Service)BettyHakesley
2000Certificate of Merit (Merit)ReginaldBlackwell
2000Certificate of Merit (Merit)JeanneCairns
2000Certificate of Merit (Merit)RobCairns
2000Certificate of Merit (Merit)PamGrasty
2000Certificate of Merit (Merit)RaySproats
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)JaneCarter
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)LeslieCarter
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)MargaretGall
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)BridgetHarrison
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)KateHatcher
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)SimonMacDonald-Mewton
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)SheilaRickson
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)AndrewVarrall
2001Certificate of Thanks (Service)DarrenWindley
2001Service Medal (Service)PaulaCook
2001Bar to Service Medal (Service)JeanMulgrew
2001Bar to Service Medal (Service)LesleyPalmer
2001Service Cross (Service)PeggyBillington
2001Service Cross (Service)ReginaldBlackwell
2001Service Cross (Service)RichardCalvert
2001Service Cross (Service)SusanCrouch
2001Service Cross (Service)DawnPostlethwaite
2001Hon UK Life Member (Service)RonaldFunnell
2001Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardCalvert
2001Certificate of Merit (Merit)NanKnill
2001Certificate of Merit (Merit)RobertRichardson
2001Certificate of Merit (Merit)DavidWorsley
2002Certificate of Thanks (Service)JamesBirnie
2002Certificate of Thanks (Service)JonathonEtherington
2002Certificate of Thanks (Service)ChrisLuckham
2002Certificate of Thanks (Service)JeanPatterson
2002Service Medal (Service)MichaelOverbury MBE
2002Service Cross (Service)RichardBillington
2002Hon UK Life Member (Service)DavidSlade
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)DeanBaker
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)HildaBillington
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)BettyColquhoun
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)PaulaCook
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)NigelDivers
2002Certificate of Merit (Merit)FrankPatterson
2002Cert of Recognition (Merit)GeoffTaylor
2002Cert of Recognition (Merit)JohnWiles
2002Cert of Recognition (Merit)PeterWood
2002Medal of Distinction (Merit)BettyHakesley
2002Medal of Distinction (Merit)SuzanneMartindale
2002Medal of Distinction (Merit)DougSimmonds
2002Queen's Jubilee AwardDiCooke
2003Certificate of Thanks (Service)PamelaShaw
2003Certificate of Thanks (Service)JoannaTyrrell
2003Certificate of Thanks (Service)DeanWright
2003Certificate of Thanks (Service)LeeWright
2003Service Medal (Service)SuzanneMartindale
2003Service Medal (Service)PaulOlliver
2003Bar to Service Service (Service)WayneDix
2003Bar to Service Service (Service)RichardLacey
2003Bar to Service Service (Service)IanWillison
2003Service Cross (Service)NanKnill
2003Service Cross (Service)BarbaraWatson
2003Certificate of Merit (Merit)SueHeslop
2003Certificate of Merit (Merit)DawnPostlethwaite
2003Certificate of Merit (Merit)SylviaRobinson
2003Certificate of Merit (Merit)AnnWright
2003Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardBanks
2003Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardCalvert
2003Bar to Medal of Distinction (Merit)DiCooke
2003Bar to Medal of Distinction (Merit)JohnStainer
2003Friends of the Society AwardFredCooke
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)JulieBaker
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)NealColes
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)SandraCreasey
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)CynthiaDeVile
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)StevenPrice
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)JenniferScott
2004Certificate of Thanks (Service)ClaireWiltshire
2004Service Medal (Service)BernardBateman
2004Service Medal (Service)NigelDivers
2004Service Medal (Service)HeatherHerridge
2004Service Medal (Service)StefanStukenberg
2004Bar to Service Service (Service)RichardBanks
2004Bar to Service Service (Service)BarbaraElliott
2004Bar to Service Service (Service)FaithLee
2004Bar to Service Service (Service)LorraineMoore
2004Bar to Service Service (Service)RobertRichardson
2004Service Cross (Service)DeanBaker
2004Service Cross (Service)SarahBotting
2004Service Cross (Service)DavidWorsley
20041st Bar to Service Cross (Service)FrancesGarrard
20042nd Bar to Service Cross (Service)TonyGray
20043rd Bar to Service Cross (Service)NanKnill
20044th Bar to Service Cross (Service)GaryLee
20045th Bar to Service Cross (Service)DavidPollard
20046th Bar to Service Cross (Service)PercyPrice
20047th Bar to Service Cross (Service)RaySproats
20048th Bar to Service Cross (Service)JohnStainer
20049th Bar to Service Cross (Service)JohnWalker
20042nd Bar to Service Cross (Service)DiCooke
20043rd Bar to Service Cross (Service)PaulineCox
20044th Bar to Service Cross (Service)KeithDoble
20045th Bar to Service Cross (Service)TerryFitzgerald
2004Hon UK Life Member (Service)BrianHall
2004Hon UK Life Member (Service)DougSimmonds
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)LeeBailey
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)SarahBotting
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)MalcolmBrewster
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)StevenCox
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)SimonMacDonald-Mewton
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)JeanMulgrew
2004Certificate of Merit (Merit)SteveSands
2004Cert of Recognition (Merit)BarbaraElliott
2004Cert of Recognition (Merit)PamGrasty
2004Cert of Recognition (Merit)GaryLee
2004Friends of the Society AwardChristianNoakes
2004Friends of the Society AwardStellaYates
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)CharlotteBanks
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)TimothyBull
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)GuyFielden
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)BridgetHarrison
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)MatthewPenny
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)VickiPidgley
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)SheilaRickson
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)RobertShaw
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)JonathonStreeter
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)TomTaylor
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)DarrenEaton
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)KateHall
2007Certificate of Thanks (Service)KeithWelch
2007Service Medal (Service)ChristineBanks
2007Service Medal (Service)KirkLee
2007Service Medal (Service)SimonMcdonaldMewton
2007Bar to Service Service (Service)ChrisScott
2007Service Cross (Service)RichardBanks
2007Service Cross (Service)JeanMulgrew
2007Service Cross (Service)PamStainer
20071st Bar to Service Cross (Service)ReginaldBlackwell
20072nd Bar to Service Cross (Service)RichardCalvert
20073rd Bar to Service Cross (Service)PeggyCrossman
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)JaneAskham
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardDivers
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)DarrenEaton
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)KateHall
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)PaulOlliver
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)StevePrice
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)BarbaraWatson
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)KeithWelch
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardBillington
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)FrancesGarrard
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)TonyGray
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)HeatherHerridge
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)ReginaldBlackwell
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)PeggyCrossman
2007Medal of HonourJohnStainer
2007Friends of the Society AwardNickLeach
2007Friends of the Society AwardDeniseLeach
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)DonnaDenham
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)SherrieDurrant
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)BarneyEdgington
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)ChrisKaiser
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)RachaelKaiser
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)CarlySalmon
2006Certificate of Thanks (Service)PamelaShaw
2006Service Medal (Service)JonEtherington
2006Service Medal (Service)ChrisLuckham
2006Service Medal (Service)JeanPaterson
2006Service Medal (Service)SteveSands
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)GarryCairns
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)BarneyEdgington
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)NanKnill
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardLacey
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)SheilaRickson
2006Certificate of Merit (Merit)PamelaShaw
2006Bar to Medal of Distinction (Merit)BettyHaskesley
2006Bar to Medal of Distinction (Merit)SuzanneMartindale
2006Medal of HonourDiCooke
2006Hon UK MemberDiCooke
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)HayleyBourne
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)MalcolmBrewster
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)JulieCavallo
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)SimonCrute
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)RichardDivers
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)ChristopherDykes
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)ChristopherGallagher
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)MichelleHayes
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)PaulHeskett
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)SusanHeslop
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)JimIngram
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)GemmaOlliver
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)SylviaRobinson
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)StephanSajnog
2007Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)JessicaSkinner
2007Service Medal (12 yrs Service)AndyVarrall
2007Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)SteveSands
2007Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)PaulaWillison
2007Service Cross (20 yrs Service)FredCooke
2007Service Cross (20 yrs Service)RuthHeyes
2007Service Cross (20 yrs Service)RobertRichardson
20071st Bar to Service Cross (25 yrs Service)SarahBotting
20072nd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)TerryFitzgerald
20073rd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)JohnStainer
2007Hon UK Life Member (35 yrs Service)RichardBillington
2007Hon UK Life Member (35 yrs Service)RoseDoble
2007Hon UK Life Member (35 yrs Service)SueSinclair
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)BernardBateman
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)JenniBrewster
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)MalcolmBrewster
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)FredCooke
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)KeithDoble
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)RonaldDuncombe
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)PaulHeskett
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)RuthHeyes
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)PercyPrice
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)RobertRichardson
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)JenniferScott
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)RaymondSproats
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)ClaireWiltshire
2007Certificate of Merit (Merit)DaveWorsley
2007Cert of Recognition (Merit)TerryFitzgerald
2007Young Lifesaver of the YearJenniBrewster
2007Friends of the Society AwardChristineSlade
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)AndrewAllan
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)LauraDean
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)JohnGallichan
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)PeterGwilliam
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)LauraSajnog
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)DeanWright
2008Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 yrs Service)LeeWright
2008Service Medal (12 yrs Service)MargaretGall
2008Service Medal (12 yrs Service)DarrenWindley
2008Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)NigelDivers
2008Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)HeatherHerridge
2008Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)PaulOlliver
2008Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)MichaelOverbury OBE
2008Service Cross (20 yrs Service)ChristianNoakes
20082nd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)AnnieKnill
2008Recognition of Service (40 yrs Service)DavidSlade
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)BernardBateman
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)LeeCornelius
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)MattCourtnell
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)SusanCrouch
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)BrianHall
2008Certificate of Merit (Merit)DarrenWindley
2008Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardBanks
2008Cert of Recognition (Merit)BabsElliott
2008Medal of Distinction (Merit)GaryLee
20081st Bar to Medal of Distinction (Merit)DougSimmonds
2008Young Lifesaver of the YearHayleyBourne
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)JaneAskham
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)JenniBrewster
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)MalcolmBrewster
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)PaulHeskett
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)AmandaPaine
2009Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)JenniferScott
2009Service Medal (12 yrs Service)KateHall
2009Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)SimonMacdonald-Mewton
2009Service Cross (21 yrs Service)BarbaraElliott
20091st Bar to Service Cross (25 yrs Service)DeanBaker
20092nd Bar to Service Cross (25 yrs Service)RuthHeyes
20093rd Bar to Service Cross (25 yrs Service)DaveWorsley
2009Hon UK Life Member (35 yrs Service)TerryFitzgerald
2009Recognition of Service (44 yrs Service)BettyHakesley
2009Certificate of Merit (Merit)SarahBotting
2009Certificate of Merit (Merit)RichardDivers
2009Certificate of Merit (Merit)DouglasHollett
2009Certificate of Merit (Merit)RachaelKaiser
2009Certificate of Merit (Merit)BryanLopez
2009Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardCalvert
2009Cert of Recognition (Merit)NigelDivers
2009Cert of Recognition (Merit)AnnieKnill
2009Cert of Recognition (Merit)PaulOlliver
2010Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)SimmoneBristow
2010Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)EmmaHatton
2010Service Medal (12 yrs Service)CynthiaDevileThomas Taylor
2010Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)JeanPaterson
20102nd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)ReginaldBlackwell
20103rd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)RichardCalvert
20104th Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)FrancesGarrard
2010Recognition of Service (40 yrs Service)DiCooke
2010Recognition of Service (40 yrs Service)BrianHall
2010Recognition of Service (40 yrs Service)DougSimmonds
2010UK Long Service (50 yrs service)DavidSlade
2010Certificate of Merit (Merit)RobinAkers
2010Certificate of Merit (Merit)StuartRigby
2010Certificate of Merit (Merit)StephenSajnog
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)JaneAskham
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)DeanBaker
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)MalcolmBrewster
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)FredCooke
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)KateHall
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)RobertRichardson
2010Cert of Recognition (Merit)HeatherScott
2010Young Lifesaver of the YearEmilyStass
2010Friends of the Society AwardJohnRawlins
2010Friends of the Society AwardChristopherDier
2010Friends of the Society AwardBedford Sports Ltd
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)GeorgeBachelor
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)LouiseBarnes
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)NatashaMays
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)AmandaPaine
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)TrudiPeel
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)StuartRigby
2013Certificate of Thanks (4 / 8 years’ Service)GabbiSimmonds
2013Service Medal (12 years’ Service)JaneAskham
2013Service Medal (12 years’ Service)MalcolmBrewster
2013Bar to Service Medal (16 years’ Service)ClaireWiltshire
2013Service Cross (20 years’ Service)NigelDivers
2013Service Cross (20 years’ Service)HeatherScott
2013Service Cross (20 years’ Service)AndrewSlade
20132nd Bar to Service Cross (30 years’ Service)RuthHeyes
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)LeeCornelius
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)JamesCossons
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)FreddieMae
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)MeganHolms
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)TrudiePeel
2013Cert of Merit (Merit)GabbiSimmonds
2013Certificate of RecognitionMalcolmBrewster
2013Certificate of RecognitionFredCooke
2013Certificate of RecognitionRobertRichardson
2013Certificate of RecognitionDarrenWindley
2013Certificate of RecognitionDaveWorsley
2013Young Lifesaver of the YearGabbiSimmonds
2013Friends of the Society CertificatesKarenMays
2013Friends of the Society CertificatesShivaunHayes-Coles
2013Friends of the Society CertificatesJimHills
2013Friends of the Society CertificatesIanHead
2013Friends of the Society CertificatesAndyHepworth
2015Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)EmmaHatton
2015Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)ElishEdwards
2015Certificate of Thanks (4 / 10 yrs Service)BryanLopez
2015Service Medal (12 yrs Service)JenniBrewster
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)DeanWright
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)MalcolmBrewster
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)RichardDivers
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)LeeWright
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)PaulHeskett
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)AmySaunters
2015Bar to Service Medal (16 yrs Service)DarrenEaton
20152nd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)FrederickCooke
20153rd Bar to Service Cross (30yrs Service)RobertRichardson
2015Hon UK Life Member (35 yrs Service)ReginaldBlackwell
2015Recognition of Service (40 yrs Service)GaryLee
2015UK Long Service (50 yrs service)BettyHakesley
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)ClaireStone
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)SusanReeve
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)MarionKaiser
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)LukePeel
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)GemmaWebb
2015Certificate of Merit (Merit)TristanLyons
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)PamelaShaw
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)RichardDivers
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)ReginaldBlackwell
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)KateHall
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)StuartRigby
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)JohnBlackwell
2015Cert of Recognition (Merit)AdamMartin
2015Medal of Honour (Merit)BettyHakesley
2015Medal of Honour (Merit)DavidSlade
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksEmmaHatton
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksElishEdwards
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksBryanLopez
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalDeanWright
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalMalcolmBrewster
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalRichardDivers
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalLeeWright
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - 2nd Bar to Service CrossFrederickCooke
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - 2nd Bar to Service CrossRobertRichardson
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Recognition of ServiceGaryLee
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Honorary UK Life MemberReginaldBlackwell
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - UK Long Service MedalBettyHakesley
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalPaulHeskett
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalAmySaunters
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalDarrenEaton
2016RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalJenniBrewster
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritClaireStone
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritSusanReeve
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritMarionKaiser
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritLukePeel
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionPamelaShaw
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritGemmaWebb
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionRichardDivers
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritTristanLyons
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionReginaldBlackwell
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionKateHall
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionStuartRigby
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Medal of HonourBettyHakesley
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Medal of HonourDavidSlade
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionJohnBlackwell
2016RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionAdamMartin
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJacobReeve
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritEdward JohnBaker
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalRobert WilliamCairns
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Bar to Service MedalGarryCairns
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - 1st Bar to Service CrossJeanneCairns
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritGarryCairns
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionSusan LoisCrouch
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - 1st Bar to Service CrossNigel FrancisDivers
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksAdamFenner
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksKimFenner
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionBrian WalterHall
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritZoe SamanthaJones
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksSueKey
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksNatasha SonyaMays
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritNatasha SonyaMays
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJade MarieNeedham
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritJade MarieNeedham
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritKathryn RachelOtley
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalAmanda JanePaine
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksAndrewParker
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritAndrewParker
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksLuke StephenPeel
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionTrudie RobinaPeel
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritMichael John LPemble
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksAmy CharlotteProwse
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJoanne ElizabethRout
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - 1st Bar to Service CrossHeather JeanScott
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalGabrielleSimmonds
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionGabrielleSimmonds
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritPeterSinclair
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionRaymondSproats
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Recognition of ServiceJohnStainer
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksElliott JayStevens
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksRachael MarieStevens
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritBenjaminStevens
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritKyleStewart
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksKyleStewart
2017RLSS UK Service Honour - Service CrossClaireWiltshire
2017RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionClaireWiltshire
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionRobinAkers
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - 2nd Bar to Service CrossDeanBaker
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - 2nd Bar to Service CrossJulieBaker
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionMalcolmBrewster
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionFrederickCooke
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritLeeCornelius
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalLeeCornelius
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionJamesCossons
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalCiaranFitzgerald
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Recognition of ServiceFrancesGarrard
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionFrancesGarrard
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalEmmaHatton
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Honorary UK Life MemberRuthHeyes
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalBryanLopez
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritPeterMcCarthy
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksPeterMcCarthy
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksTylerMurray
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksKathrynOtley
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksTrudiePeel
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Honorary UK Life MemberDavidPollard
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritDavidPollard
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalStuartRigby
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionStuartRigby
2018RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksMartinSchofield
2018RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of RecognitionLeeWright
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Service MedalRobinAkers
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Honorary UK Life MemberDeanBaker
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Service CrossKateHall
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksMichaelHobbs
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJosephMitchell
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksEllynReeve
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksSusanReeve
2019RLSS UK Merit Honour - UK Vice PresidentJohnStainer
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksClaireStone
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJordanStone
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksObaWaiyaki
2019RLSS UK Merit Honour - Medal of DistinctionDawnWhittaker
2019RLSS UK Merit Honour - Certificate of MeritZaraWilliams
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksZaraWilliams
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Certificate of ThanksJosephWoollard
2019RLSS UK Service Honour - Honorary UK Life MemberDavidWorsley
2020Clive Holland TrophyHorshamLifesaving Club
2020Stuart Bailey TrophyLouiseRoberts
2020RLSS Service Honour - Long Service MedalBrianHall
2020RLSS Service Honour - Long Service MedalDiCooke
2020RLSS Service Honour - Long Service MedalDouglasSimmonds
2020RLSS Service Honour - Recognition Of ServiceSueCrouch
2020RLSS Service Honour - Recognition Of ServiceDavidPollard
2020RLSS Service Honour - Recognition Of ServiceRaymondSproats
2020RLSS Merit Honour - Young Lifesaver Of The YearEdwardBaker
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2020RLSS Service Honour -
2nd Bar to Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
2nd Bar to Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Service Honour -
Service Cross
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2020RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2021RLSS Merit Honour - Young Lifesaver Of The YearFrankiePhillips
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2021RLSS Service Honour -
1st Bar to Service Cross
2021RLSS Service Honour -
Bar to Service Medal
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2021RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2022RLSS Merit Honour - Young Lifesaver Of The YearSamClark
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Recognition
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate Of Merit
2022RLSS Service Honour -
2nd Bar to Service Cross
2022RLSS Service Honour -
2nd Bar to Service Cross
2022RLSS Service Honour -
Service Medal
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks
2022RLSS Merit Honour -
Certificate of Thanks